
Clauger supports career-building student programs

We believe that today’s students are the talent and leadership of tomorrow. For this reason, we are always interested in hiring interns within Clauger. Many long-time employees started their Clauger adventure during internships or work-study programs.

Each year, more than 50 students sign work-study contracts to join our teams: refrigeration technicians, programmers, engineers…

We develop partnerships with schools specializing in various fields and located throughout France. We regularly conduct open houses to host student sponsorships and showcase our trades.

students per year
+ 0
I would like to do a BTS work-study program, then join IFFI, become an industrial cold engineer, and then get hired in CDI at Clauger.
Dylan Vittet
Student Bac Pro TFCA

Send us your application

Are you taking part in work-study program or looking for an internship?
Don’t hesitate to submit your application to us!